After a mishap a couple of weeks ago, I have now officially earned my first cast. I have provided a helpful diagram below to explain what the orthopedic doctor refers to as a "FOOSH." (That's Falling On OutStretched Hand) You will notice that "wavy" lines of picture 1 become "hurty" lines in picture 2:

All I can really say is that when I fell, I was on stage, but heroically did it in character, jumped back up and finished what I was doing with hopefully no one the wiser. Unfortunately, I still had to complete a performance of my current show, "Angel Street." While my wrist was merely sore at the beginning, by the end of the show I would describe my condition as 'howlingly painful.' After I was home later, we decided to spend the evening in an emergency room, where I was given a sling, a very cool bludgeon and a lollipop. By bludgeon, I mean a nifty fiberglass cast. And when I say lollipop I mean, of course, many cc's of morphine. Which does pretty much the same thing as a lollipop. Makes the patient smile, get agreeable, and willing to sign nearly any piece of paper put in front of them. Most likely I have a novicular fracture, a crack in a very small bone by the base of my thumb. "Most likely," because the doctor is not positive that the issue is a new break - it could be old news from a long time ago, but apparently, this is not a bone to mess around with - so I get the gift of immobility. I had a week to recover before heading back to the theater for costume and stage business modification so I could continue to function as bad guy "Jack Manningham" without raising any untoward audience sympathy for me. I also replaced the keyboards in my life with ergonomic versions so I could continue to work and type. By the way, typingb stinks wiht a cast on your leat hand. I left the typos in that last sentence to convey how much fun it is to correct myself right now. One more picture as I show off my "Angel Street" side chops and my mastery of this cast by waving goodbye without giving myself a black eye.

I don't know about the cast, but boy-howdy I did those pork-chops!
I mean I DIG those pork chops-sideburns, that is.
Get well soon!
How's your foosh?
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